Friday, December 8, 2017

9 years old!

I can't believe our first born is 9 years old.  Max is so smart and loves to read.  He gets in trouble often for not obeying/listening bc he is too busy reading.  He is doing well in school as part of respect corp (a leadership group), ultimate book challenge team, and GT.  He is playing basketball this winter  and his height will be useful to his team! He is working hard to not argue about well, everything, and to not act smarter then his brother.  He has a sweet side and has been showing appreciation lately for little things.  We like seeing Jesus work in his heart and enjoy seeing him acknowledge when he is wrong and is truly apologetic.  He is such a boy with tons of potty humor and loud and wild especially when he is with his friends.  We love you Maxwell!

At 9 years old, Max is 4ft 9inches tall (95%) and weighs 80lbs (90%).

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