Friday, August 1, 2014

4 months

olivia jane.  y'all, she is the cutest.  

she is such a good baby.  she rarely cries and if she does, its usually because she is tired.  i would say her one issue is she blows out EVERY SINGLE poopy diaper.  so lots of ruined clothes, extra laundry, and messes.  

she is still nursing about every 3 hours.  we will put her to bed around 8pm, do a twilight bottle feeding around 10, and then she'll sleep again til 7am ish.  easy peasy.

daddy can always make her smile.  max can make her laugh out loud.  graham still can't get enough of her.  mommy is getting excited about shopping as she is outgrowing most of her outfits we were given.  she is quite the little baby "coo"er too, especially in her bed as she is falling asleep.

livi's 4 month stats
weight: 17 pounds 12 oz (95%)
(this is only 1/2 a pound smaller then graham at this point and he was one chunky baby!)
length: 24.25 inches (34%)
head circumference: 91cm

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