Monday, November 5, 2012

not exactly trick or treating

 the weekend before halloween was filled with fall fun.  by sunday, graham was starting to get a cold and by tuesday morning we were back in the hospital with another asthma attack.  we hoped that we would be able to leave by trick or treating time, but no such luck.  instead we took him on a wagon ride and visited a couple of desks that had candy sitting out.  
trick or treat graham!

since we were at the hospital with a sick baby, max got to have fun with g, pop, aunt amy, and her little pumpkin penny.  he even was able to get a new halloween costume because his iron man mask got left in the car.  trick or treat lizard!

i hated missing the fun of halloween and trick or treating as a family, but i can't help but be very thankful that graham's asthma is controllable. God is in control and He knew before Graham was even born what his little body could handle.  our prayers continue to be for a healthy baby, but ultimately we rest in knowing God's love for our little boy is stronger then ours will ever be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope he's feeling better!