Tuesday, May 11, 2010

all growed up

on saturday, my brother tyler graduated from southwestern university in georgetown....he did it in 4 years....and he will start a job teaching english in Taiwan in july. ummm....i'm suddenly feeling a little old.
we were lucky that max fell asleep during the 1st speech (that's right-1st)...but we were unlucky to have the loudest cheering family in front of us who woke him up when their kids named was called...they also woke up the 3 other friends/family members who decided to take naps during the graduation!

joey and i trying to keep ourselves entertained

congrats ty!


The Kovash Family said...

Congrats, Tyler! My sister graduates next weekend. It's crazy!!!

Kacy said...

No offense, Tyler, but I am glad I wasn't there. I would probably have fallen asleep.