Friday, April 9, 2010

the things kids say...

1) max is such a talker! last night at dinner, he was just chatting away and i looked at joey and said "he's never going to shut up!". am i surprised?!? not a bit, bc with 2 parents who like to talk, what can you expect?

the newest vocab is "pease" (please), "thats unny" (that is so funny) followed by a little fake laugh, and "mama" has now turned into i want/need/do it again/pay attention to me/'s just really cute when he has a conversation with you bc you can tell by the look on his face that he knows exactly what he's saying.

2) and then there are my nephews....on easter sunday we were hanging out at their house and ian starts in "hey joey, there's a spider on your head.....imafoolish!" then logan "hey joey....there's a bug in your food.....imafoolish!". it takes us a minute to figure out what is going on and then we realize....imafoolish is really april fools! wow, its been a long time since i laughed that hard. and of course when we tried to explain that they were supposed to say "april fools!" they would not have it....why would we (as adults) know anything?!?


The Vandy's said...

what? i've never heard them say that!

Kacy said...

Man, I can't believe max can talk! Dang it, Honduras! I am going to teach him spanish. Ole!